Volunteer opportunities to help you get involved in the Magnet community.
Your time & support are needed to continue to create an excellent environment for your student to thrive!
Single Day Volunteer
This is the ultimate in “transactional volunteering!” Often there is an event or program where “day of” volunteers are needed. Sign up genius is used to request volunteers
College Guidance Support Committee
Have you been through the college process? Assist with College / Naviance evenings, Counselor Parent Coffees, College Tour planning, Counselor luncheons with students, and other college guidance related events and programs.
Standard Magnet Press Kits for Magnet Office & VIPs; Write Press Releases; Research Ways to Raise Visibility of Program. To include – Magnet E-news
Assist with writing, reporting and/or publishing the Magnet E-news. Weekly publication.
Freshman Support
Help with Freshman Picnic, Prospective and Accepted Student Open Houses & Advisement nights
Assist with fundraising activities and/or events; Develop Corporate Financial & Volunteer Support; Develop Community Partnerships; help sell Spirit-wear.
Provide food and/or snacks for Magnet events. Sign up genius is used to request food needed.
Internship Sponsor
Are you in a position to provide a meaningful internship to a Wheeler Magnet Senior? Internship and Senior Project are the capstone of your student’s education at Wheeler. Consider the possibilities.
Magnet Fix-it Days
Twice per year on a Saturday morning, assist with small jobs such as minor repairs, as well as outdoor and indoor clean-up in and around the Magnet building.
Magnet Senior Celebration
This memorable event for graduating Seniors and their families, held in may, needs many volunteers. Help prepare for the festivities (invitations, slide show, decorations), set-up, clean-up, or be involved in one of the many other tasks involved.
Middle School Outreach
Get the message out to Middle Schools about this tremendous opportunity for students with a strong interest in math and science. Also, disseminate information regarding camps and other special opportunities at the Magnet to Cobb middle schools.
Teacher Advisements Dinners
Help prepare or secure, serve, setup and/or clean-up dinners for 10-18 teachers at the eight student advisements throughout the school year. It means a great deal to the teachers to have a homemade meal to eat while staying late to advise our students.
Ready to get involved? Click Here to email us at volunteercoordinator@wheelermagnetfoundation.com about your volunteer interest.